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As the first step of multilateral cooperation with the Northeast Asian countries and areas towards the realization of the International Pipeline, the 1st International Conference on Northeast Asian Natural Gas Pipeline was held in Tokyo in March 1995, with 60 participants from China, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Sakha Republic.

Continually, the 2nd Conference was held in Beijing in September 1996 and its participants increased to 170, which particularly focused on the Northeast Asian Natural Gas Pipeline as a start of the Trans-Asian. At the Round Table Discussion of the 2nd conference, it is proposed and adopted to establish an organization called "Northeast Asian Gas & Pipeline Forum (NAGPDF)" which will lead joint activities with related countries and areas in order to promote mutual cooperation for the enlargement of natural gas utilization.

In the 3rd Conference held in Seoul in November 1997, the representatives of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea adopted the statutes and established a non-profitable organization, the Northeast Asian Gas and Pipeline Forum.

From that time, the NAGPF has been taking the responsibility of organizing an annual international conference and leading cooperative activities with the member organizations. The 4th Conference was held in Ulaanbaatar in August 1998, with the participants from all the Northeast Asian countries and areas. The 5th Conference held in Yakutsk in July 1999 provided a precious opportunity to exchange massive information between the participants due to the submission of a great number of papers. After that, the NAGPF organized the 6th Conference in Irkutsk in September 2000, the 7th Conference in Tokyo in December 2001, the 8th Conference in Shanghai in March 2004, the 9th Conference in Seoul in september 2005, the 10th Conference in Novosibirsk in September, the 11th Conference in Tokyo in October and the 12th Conference in Ulaanbaatar in August.

Currently, there are 5 ordinary members - Asia Gas & Pipeline Cooperation Research Centre of China (AGPRCC), Korea Pan-Asian Natural Gas & Pipeline Association (KPGA), Northeast Asian Gas & Pipeline Forum of Japan (NAGPF-J), Asian Pipeline Research Society of the Russian Federation(ROSASIAGAS), and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia (PAM).

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